School's out ! Enjoying more time spent with your children

Well - what a difference a few weeks has made recently !

A lot of us are in a very different situation with our children and grandchildren,  since millions of British schoolchildren have been told to stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic . We should take the time and relish being with them while we can . Thankfully so far the weather has been very kind to us so playing in the garden and daily dog walks have entertained us all.

 The best idea we have seen is when the kids say " I wish I could ...." write it down on a piece of paper and put in a jar. When we all get through this , work your way through them. It will be mostly the simple things like "see Grandma " We will all come through this and out of the other side hopefully realising that it is the simple things that make us happiest , and the people in our lives that help us do that.

We also begin weeks and maybe months of homeschooling and for many parents and carers, it presents the challenge of managing our children's education whilst trying to maintain our own workload. 

Gina Bennett , a parenting support practitioner at Action for children has some great advice Keep things routined so children don't become unsettled. We are going through unprecedented times, kids will pick up on that. Get them up to have breakfast and get dressed - don't get them learning in pajamas," she told ITV News.

"Follow a timetable - one subject then a break followed by another subject - so the daily is much like school."

She added: "Some parents might want to make the most of the time off to spend more time with their children, so pacing out the day to involve quality time.

"It's really important to structure outdoor time, even if that's just going into a back garden to play ball games."

We have always enjoyed doing jigsaws together as a family - and can while away hours together doing this ! 

Whilst many schools are sending out resources and work for their students, we all  may find we need an extra helping hand with our children's work.

 Something which is so important for everyone to learn about , and which is close to our hearts as a family - help them learn about protecting their environment . Big Blue Ocean Cleanup are helping children learn about the oceans while the schools are shut.

Big Blue Ocean Cleanup educates and raises awareness about the importance of clean and healthy oceans for sustaining life on earth. They  have developed free and open source resources for parents and teachers around the world. Inspiring the next generation to take action and protect our blue planet.

Their exciting educational video series is presented by zoologist and wildlife presenter Billy Heaney Nature and BBC Springwatch presenter Hannah Stitfall.

 It's important that everyone isn't constantly looking on their gadgets all of the time and we must make the time to talk to each other , but a fabulous way to add some fun into you and your child's routine is to take a look on social media . Britain's best loved celebrities are holding virtual classes on subjects out of the classroom. Check out their social pages to find out more.

 PE - Joe Wicks @thebodycoach

English - David Walliams @dwalliams

Music - Myleen Klass @myleeneklass

Food Tech - Jamie Oliver @jamieoliver

Dance - Darcey Bussell 

History - Dan Snow @thehistoryguy

Science - Brian Cox @profbriancox

Geography - Steve Backshall  @backshall.steve

And the amazing Adventures with Ben Fogle  @benfogle who offers to take our kids our for 30 mins virtual adventures every day at 4pm @benfogle

Brilliant for the adults too !

Carol Vorderman is offering free maths to children who are off school and you can find out more here -

Children are like little sponges and they love to learn if it is fun !

 Take the time to look at your children , and breathe. Enjoy them while you can- they will never be this age again . Try and look at this as a time to spend special time together 


Stay safe and well everyone 

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